Thursday 22 August 2013

The best days of your life!

As I stroll down beautifully manicured lawns, I reminisce the days of my youth when I was entering my college. Those were the some of the best days of my life that I cherish and have fond memories of.  My son too, will now begin this very same journey of life. The period when one is uncertain and not knowing what the future holds yet filled with optimism and youth and hopes of conquering the world & making a difference.

These days are few to come by, in one’s whole lifespan these few years feel like a drop of rain on the parched earth. Just out of school, boards are over and there are no parents or teachers breathing down your neck. You have nothing to worry about, because you are carefree & young.

You are eager to meet new people and make new friends. Studies are no more your top priority. You dress like a film star and party like one too. When the sunrises, you feel as though the whole world is shining.  You love to play your music really loud, rock music to your ears is like listening to the birds singing, even though your neighbors may harshly disagree.

First few days of your college are like the first few days of your courtship. Filled with lots of expectations and mixed with anticipation and high hopes.  It is important that you don’t lose your way however. As I spoke my mind I shared my concerns with my son who had also joined me for my morning walk. I told him that I did not expect much of him except that he grows up into a respectable young man who would not forget his roots, his culture and most of all his family. He said to me “Dad, I will never forget this day. You have given me permission to go and pursue my studies at one of the best colleges in the world and your blessings are more than enough for me”.

His words convince me that no matter where he goes now and whatever he eventually decides to do; he will be a young man just like I was many years ago, ready to take on what life has to offer and to make the best of it. To never give up and most of all to never forget.

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